Faculty Page
Sister Donna Ciango, OP, D.Min
Visiting Faculty Ecumenical Studies
Sister Donna Ciancio is a Dominican Sister of Caldwell, New Jersey, a graduate of Caldwell University and New York University, and holds a doctorate from Drew University. She is Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Newark and Director of Church Leadership Consultation.
Sr. Donna works internationally and nationally in promoting parish vitality and pastoral direction, congregational and leadership
development, faith formation, Small Christian Communities, consulting with parishes and dioceses, and in many other areas.
She served as the International Coordinator for Renew and the Director of Pastoral Services of the National Pastoral Life Center and as parish consultant for the Jesuit Conference USA. Sr. Donna has served as the Director of Adult Faith Formation at St. Rose of Lima Church in Short Hills, New Jersey.
She is an adjunct faculty member in Drew University’s Doctor of Ministry program, and a consultant for RCL Benziger Publishing Company.
Her articles have appeared in Today’s Parish, Ligourian, CHURCH Magazine, and in publications from Crossroads, Paulist Press, and St. Anthony Messenger Press. Her most recent publication is Waiting With Joy, an Advent reflection book for faith sharing in small groups, from RENEW International.
Sr. Donna also serves on the Board of Trustees of Caldwell University and the Center for Ministry Development and is Chairperson of the North American Forum for Small Christian Communities.
Sr. Donna had a June 2020 article in the Global Sisters Report:
Reading in an empty cathedral and other pandemic experiences