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Authority to Award Certificates


Northwind Institute’s certificate programs are offered under an Exemption for Religious Institutions by the Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools. The Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools ("OBPVS") was created by statute July 1, 1970. The purpose of the agency is to license, regulate, and set standards for the operation of private schools that conduct occupational training.

State of Oklahoma 
Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools

3700 N. Classen Blvd., Ste. 250
Oklahoma City, OK 73118
Phone: (405) 528-3370

Website: www. 


Articulation Agreements

Articulation Agreements are arrangements between institutions that agree in advance, via Memorandum of Understanding to accept each other’s credits in the transfer of specific ministry credentials. In these cases, dually enrolled students take cross-listed courses at either institution. Each institution teaches its own curriculum and courses and accepts transfer credits from the other institution.


Northwind Institute has an Articulation Agreement with Northwind Theological Seminary


Dually Enrolled Students may transfer credits from Cross-Listed Courses taught by Dually Appointed Faculty from the Institute to Bachelor's and Master's degree programs at the Seminary.


Northwind Institute is an educational partner of the Ministers Council ABCUSA

The Ministers Council is an independent, non-profit organization of ordained, commission, licensed and lay Christian leaders. Seminarians are also eligible for membership and encouraged to join.

The Council is the only ABC organization dedicated solely to the well-being of ministers. We serve in increasingly diverse settings including the local church, specialized ministries of chaplaincy, counseling, coaching and spiritual direction, as well as administration, education and community organizing.

Northwind Institute has an Articulation Agreement with the American Baptist Churches of the Rocky Mountains Academy.

Northwind Institute hosts the required courses for Regional Ordination in the ABCRM.


Northwind Institue has an Articulation Agreement with the National Christian Counselors Association.

The National Christian Counselors Association provides training for Christian Counselors.


Northwind Institute is a Certified Academic Institution of the National Christian Counselors Association.


Northwind Institute has an Articulation Agreement with the Sarasota Academy.

Sarasota Academy provides training for Christian Life Coaches.


An Articulation Agreement has been developed to facilitate Institute students to complete the Christian Life Coaching Courses at Sarasota Academy.

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