The Rev. Fr. Jerry Maynard is The People’s Priest; a spiritual renegade & social revolutionary with a ministry of protest, praise, and community organizing in Houston, TX.
As a leader in a variety of movements, Father Jerry teaches the spirituality of nonviolence, works on foreign & domestic issues, and serves as the Founding Pastor of The People’s Church (TPC) an online community of Sacred Activists from a variety of spiritual traditions, which is a member community of the Creation Spirituality Communities (CSC).
Our DigiMinistry Courses are designed to provide practical training in Faith-Based Leadership and Ministry.
DigiMinistry is a "notion" of ministry that seeks to show that "being online" is the ministry. The "approach" is not dumping a bunch of stuff online and expecting people to be converted....that is a modern approach...the approach is using existing platforms as instruments of engagement - rather than an online version of a storefront church.
Like what MLK meant when he said, "church is less about where you go to and more about where you go from".
DigiMinistry is less about where we gather and more about how we engage with those who are gathered.
This program is designed for lay church leaders, faith-inspired community organizers, seminarians, clergy, and the general public who are seeking empowerment for beginning or furthering their efforts to build a more just church & society.
These courses are offered in both Certificate and Academic Credit Formats. Each course can be completed in 30-90 days.
All courses are open enrollment.
Certificate courses may be transferred to TRAIN|ACT|GROW for certification as a Trainer or Consultant.
Academic Courses may be transferred to Northwind Seminary's BA Degree Completion or Master's Degree after completing the Seminary's Application Process.
Northwind Institute has met the requirements of the Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools to offer certificates of completion for theological and ministry-related courses.
Courses in the Spiritual Formation Certificate Program may be transferred to Northwind Seminary's Master in Contextualized Ministry, Master in Specialized Ministry, or Doctor in Specialized Ministry Degree Programs.