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Image by Clay Banks

Romantic Theology


Michael J. Christensen, PhD

Director of The Center for Theology, Spirituality, and Ministry at Northwind

Professor of Theology & Spiritual Formation

Academic Dean, Senior Faculty

Meet Michael J. Christensen (M.A., Yale; Ph.D., Drew University), Professor of Theology and Center Director. Michael is the author of C. S. Lewis on Scripture, contributor to The C. S. Lewis Study Bible, former Resident Scholar at The Kilns in Oxford, and author and/or editor of eleven books on spirituality and social justice.

According to Professor Christensen, “Romantic Theology represents as cross-current of Theology and Literature focused on creative imagination as a portal of divine revelation. Its romantic and religious themes foster spiritual formation and ministry applications. The spirited collaboration of the Inkling writers produced a body of work worthy of the name.”


“A romantic theologian does not mean one who is romantic about theology, but one who is theological about romance, one who considers the theological implications of those experiences which are called romantic.”
—C. S. Lewis in Essays Presented to Charles Williams

The six-course Romantic Theology Certificate Program offers life-long learners a formative way to read or review the creative works of the Oxford Inklings. All of these courses are open enrollment. 

Romantic Theology
Certificate Course List

Click the Certificate Course Title
to go to the enrollment page:

The Oxford Inklings

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Michael Christensen


C.S. Lewis on Scripture and Romantic Theology 

Faculty Mentors: Dr. Michael Christensen and Dr. Charlie Starr

J.R.R. Tolkien on Truth in Story and Myth 

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Charlie Starr


Charles Williams on Theology of Romantic Love 

Faculty Mentors: Dr. Michael Christensen,

Owen Barfield on Creative Imagination and Consciousness 

Faculty Mentors: Dr. Charlie Starr,

Honorary Inklings: Dorothy Sayers, G.K. Chesterton,
George MacDonald, Warren Lewis, Joy Davidman,

Faculty Mentors: Dr. Chrystal Hurd and Dr. Terry Glaspey

Northwind Institute has met the requirements of the Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools to offer certificates of completion for theological and ministry-related courses.

Courses in the Romantic Theology Certificate Program may be transferred to Northwind Seminary's Master in Contextualized Ministry, Master in Specialized Ministry, or Doctor in Specialized Ministry Degree Programs after completing the Seminary's Application Process.

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